dustaway: Euparius didymus
Saturn1111: TWIN PEAKS
Saturn1111: Leaning Tower of Yamba
Travelling or Wandering: Coffee Caravan near Lennox Head
Buddy Patrick: Utility Structures: Grafton Telecommunications Exchange, New South Wales.
Buddy Patrick: The Kyogle Memorial Institute Building (Kyogle, Northern Rivers)
Buddy Patrick: Koorelah Creek Bridge (Koreelah National Park, New South Wales)
Buddy Patrick: Lonely Silos (Lismore, Northern Rivers)
Diepflingerbahn: Kyogle Landscape
Travelling or Wandering: Watching the sun rise over Boulder Beach, Lennox Head, NSW, Australia on a cold winters day
Travelling or Wandering: The Sun rising over Byron Bay, Winter 2023
lensretro: Makiflex + Xenotar 2.8/150 + Kodak Portra 400
Travelling or Wandering: The sun rises over another chilled Northern NSW morning.
Travelling or Wandering: A blurry start to the day at Lennox Head
Travelling or Wandering: The sun rises over Lennox Head.
Travelling or Wandering: A windy sun rise at Tallow Beach, Byron Bay.
Travelling or Wandering: The sun rises over Byron Bay with Mt Warning in the background on a stormy day
Travelling or Wandering: A dirty wave crashes into the beach after a storm
Travelling or Wandering: The sun rises over another day in Ballina.
Travelling or Wandering: A moody start to the day in Ballina
Travelling or Wandering: The wind and incoming tide is hypnotic with a golden sunrise
Travelling or Wandering: Sunrise on a windy day in Ballina
Travelling or Wandering: Ballina, NSW, Australia
Buddy Patrick: Magic Trees (Northern Rivers, New South Wales)
Buddy Patrick: Utility Structures: Lismore Telephone Exchange, New South Wales.
Travelling or Wandering: Sunrise over Ballina
Diepflingerbahn: Sand Goanna, Evans Head
Diepflingerbahn: Eastern Water dragon
Diepflingerbahn: Last view of Ballina, NSW