Macabrekitty: My favorite eye chips on each.
Macabrekitty: Leo thought we were having a blue haired girl party without her or something.
Macabrekitty: Wow! Locke is even paler than Remy, and Remy is white! @crazyfish_666
Macabrekitty: The girls just wanted to remind you. In case you forgot.
Macabrekitty: Locke has a glorious stache.
Macabrekitty: I may have a thing for red eyes and blue hair.
Macabrekitty: Something must be awfully interesting over there.
Macabrekitty: What are they looking at?
Macabrekitty: Blythe antics.
Macabrekitty: And with that they became fast friends
Macabrekitty: Leo: She didn't even give you shoes yet?! I was going to be jealous 'n stuff but now I just feel bad for you.
Macabrekitty: Locke and her dillybobs
Macabrekitty: Filtery hehe
Macabrekitty: All bundled up. Too bad her legs are bare. I need to start investing in tights.
Macabrekitty: My dream doll has arrived! Never opened until now and her hair is frizzy and icky. She will need a wash. But I'm still so happy! #blytheofinstagram #blythe
Macabrekitty: Such happiness!! #blytheofinstagram #blythe
Macabrekitty: Her name changed a million times in my head while I was waiting for her. Now that she's here she has told me her name, and it isn't any of the ones I had thought of. Meet Locke!
EssHaych: Noriko
EssHaych: 365 Toy Project (361/365)
EssHaych: 365 Toy Project (362/365)
EssHaych: Kawaii Skull Jumper
EssHaych: Kawaii Skull Jumper
EssHaych: 365 Toy Project (357/365)
EssHaych: Christmas Hat!
EssHaych: Kawaii Kappa Helmet
EssHaych: 365 Toy Project (353/365)