StormLV: NGC2244 - Rosette nebula in Hubble palette
StormLV: M1 - Hubble palette
StormLV: M42 - Orion nebula in HST palette
StormLV: 22MP Moon mosaic
BudgetAstro: M42 Orion Nebula LRGB
BudgetAstro: M42 in Ha January 2016
StormLV: Moon
José Joaquín Pérez: Flame Nebula
José Joaquín Pérez: Flame and Horsehead Nebulas
Andre vd Hoeven: M106 Highest resolution ever...
Andre vd Hoeven: M77 CFHT/HST updated
BudgetAstro: Another M42 and the Running Man...
BudgetAstro: M42 and the Running Man
Andre vd Hoeven: M77 Canadian-French-Hawaii Telescope/Hubble Space Telescope
Andre vd Hoeven: IC2497 Hanny's Voorwerp
StormLV: First try at HST processing M16 - Eagle nebula
StormLV: First try at HST processing M16 - Eagle nebula
StormLV: M2 (R)
StormLV: Sun through AP130 EDF (x4) - soft processing
StormLV: Sun through AP130 EDF (x4) - more aggressive processing
Mick Hyde: Horsehead Nebula - Reprocess
Andre vd Hoeven: NGC 6357 Hubble Space Telescope
Steven Coates Melotte 15 in Hubble palette
Mick Hyde: Horsehead Nebula
Steven Coates Barnard 33 the Horsehead nebula
Steven Coates Soul nebula HaRGBSITESVER10_reg_cp