eclectico63: far too many lives lost
eclectico63: so much tragedy, so many unnecessary deaths
eclectico63: so much tragedy, so many unnecessary deaths
eclectico63: circle of trust...?
♔ Georgie R: Celebratory flag
djp3000: 2021 08 07_1879
tosh123: Cardiff Castle, Wales, UK
johnbell18 (3M views): Union Jack, Embassy Row
♔ Georgie R: XXXII Olympiad 204*365 (3*935)
♔ Georgie R: Very bold 202~365 (2~568)
♔ Georgie R: 85-365 (15-5199) le tricolore
JMS2: Happy 4th!
Studio d'Xavier: Independence Day at Place de La Baume
♔ Georgie R: Hoisting the US flag 185:365 (5:1646)
♔ Georgie R: Canada Day 182*365 (3*913)
JMS2: Flag
François–Digital: DIFFRACTION LIFE #213
François–Digital: PHARE FRANçAIS
JMS2: American "Patriotism"
eclectico63: carrying your patriotism wherever you ride
eclectico63: carrying your patriotism wherever you ride
JMS2: War Veteran
♔ Georgie R: Front garden 141:365 (5:1602)
♔ Georgie R: Flag of the Netherlands 125/365 (7/2317)
♔ Georgie R: Anzac Day 115~365 (2~481)
♔ Georgie R: St David's Day 60~365 (2~426)
♔ Georgie R: Jammed flag 60/365 (7/2252)
♔ Georgie R: Canadian flag of WWII period
♔ Georgie R: Canadian flag 46/365 (7/2238)