zorromaxi: Federal Soldier
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Marion Richaume, céramiste.
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: père & fille.
JohnnyRooke: Attitude
gormac1904: My Wife at Middle Head
Pascal Rey PhotogrAphies: Marion Richaume, céramiste.
davide.sant: SPLEEN
gormac1904: Xu Mei
JohnnyRooke: And the next card is
Queen Almond: 20240227 S3 Brown Almond
Queen Almond: 20240227 S3 Brown Almond
Queen Almond: 20240227 S3 Brown Almond
Queen Almond: 20240227 S3 Brown Almond
Queen Almond: 20240227 S3 Brown Almond
Queen Almond: 20240227 S3 Brown Almond
xaviergomezbusquets: Amb estil, with style.
xaviergomezbusquets: Cerimoniós, ceremonyous.
xaviergomezbusquets: Fent-se una pregunta, asking himself.
xaviergomezbusquets: intel·lectual, intellectual.
xaviergomezbusquets: Un home plàdid, a quite man copia
xaviergomezbusquets: Una home pensatiu, a pensative man.
robertlype: Unicorn
abensenior75: Apples
just.Luc: J.R.
AZ-Eddy: Happy Señora 😊
Studio d'Xavier: Xerxes & Xavier
BrianGiorgio: Woman in the street
Studio d'Xavier: Otto the Plumber and Cupcake Delight