edk7: Skyscraper, Financial District, Toronto.
edk7: New streetcar passes old, Chinatown, Toronto.
edk7: 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass S, Orangeville, Ontario.
Fizzik.LJ: Las Vegas 2016
edk7: Bethlem hospital tower, 1814, Imperial War Museum, London SE1..
edk7: Unused exhibition space, Imperial War Museum, London SE1..
edk7: First modern artillery - French 75 mm field gun, 1897 - Imperial War Museum, London SE1.
edk7: Ornamental pedestrian gateway, Heidelberg, Germany.
edk7: Gate to Old Bridge (Alte Brücke), Heidelberg, Germany..
edk7: Sea-floor aviation treasure - Technik Museum Sinsheim, Steinsfurt, Germany..
edk7: Great Stour River, Canterbury, Kent, England..
edk7: St Thomas Becket miracles stained glass window, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England..
edk7: St Thomas Becket miracles stained glass window, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England..
edk7: St Thomas Becket miracles stained glass window, Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England..
Fizzik.LJ: Las Vegas, view from the Eiffel Tower
copazetic: Tiki Torch.jpg
edk7: Daimler-Benz DB 605B 35.7-litre inverted V12, 1475-hp - Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon, London NW9..
Fizzik.LJ: Las Vegas, view from the Eiffel Tower
Fizzik.LJ: Las Vegas, view from the Eiffel Tower
Fizzik.LJ: Las Vegas, May 2016
ISOZPHOTO mit Filou: Tammy mit skeptischem Blick - Tammy with a skeptical look
CWhatPhotos: OM system, Olympus, EP7, Nissan Flash, Newer tripod, Sigma 30mm F1.4 . .
Anthony Tomlin: Polikarpov I-16
Anthony Tomlin: Comet restoration
Anthony Tomlin: Lancaster cockpit
copazetic: Photographed Art in Austin-4.jpg
copazetic: The Woodlands Waterway-2.jpg
CWhatPhotos: Toyota- Aygo X- Edge-
CWhatPhotos: Toyota- Aygo X- Edge-
Fizzik.LJ: View from the balcony of Steinhardt Museum of Natural History