Faye Nightshade: Travel Journal | s w e e t e s t _ t h i n g
Faye Nightshade: d o n ' t _ f o r g e t _ m e
Faye Nightshade: Britannia | i've been around
Faye Nightshade: y o u r _ a r m s
Faye Nightshade: f u t u r e _ o f _ a _ p a s t _ l i f e
Faye Nightshade: c o m e _ t o _ m e
Faye Nightshade: m e a n _ g i r l s | one way or another
Faye Nightshade: w h a t _ i t _ t a k e s
Raisa SecondLife: It is impossible to enter the country of my soul without a visa… The borders are securely guarded… It is impossible to get into it without sincere love and true friendship!!!
Raisa SecondLife: Hey, princess, less stress! Every womanizer has his own princess!
Raisa SecondLife: You're definitely looking for intimacy. I try to be good, but when I'm bad, I'm better! Sex should be hot, so that even the neighbors want to go out for a smoke after it.
Raisa SecondLife: "We have to be flexible to know when to receive and when to give"
Raisa SecondLife: No matter how much we talk to other people, no matter how much time we spend together, in fact we are always alone… And how important it is to feel life not alone, but with someone together. Because together is always stronger than alone.
Raisa SecondLife: To do everything with a spark means to love everything that you do.
Raisa SecondLife: They say that school is an eternal lack of sleep. But how disappointed you are when it turns out that you have left school, and lack of sleep has remained. Perhaps the school did not give us all the necessary knowledge, but it taught us discipline.
Raisa SecondLife: ♥The face is a portrait of the soul, and the eyes are a sign of his intentions.♥ ♥If a guy wants to be with a girl, he will get her, no matter what.♥
Raisa SecondLife: It would be better if the witch never found out about the limits of her power. Sometimes a woman has to be a witch to survive.
Raisa SecondLife: I have no desire to take revenge... indifference is my revenge.
Raisa SecondLife: In each of us there is an angel and a demon... you become the one you feed more.
Raisa SecondLife: Tactics is a veiled name for a trick. The meaning is the same, but it sounds nobler…
Raisa SecondLife: Butterfly flight Wakes up a quiet clearing In the sunlight. There are butterflies that live only a day. On this one day they get to enjoy the light of fulfillment of all desires.
Raisa SecondLife: People don't give anything to those to whom they are in different. Men! Remember! A woman is a gift of fate! But she rewarded ... punished ... or fate made fun of you... it's up to everyone to decide for themselves…
Raisa SecondLife: Smoke breaks are loved even by non-smokers.
Raisa SecondLife: A woman in love shines brighter than any diamonds. Diamonds are girls' best friends.
Raisa SecondLife: Before you invite a girl on a date, give her flowers, take care of her, take her home and confess your love, think about it... do you need it!!!First things first and then everything else...
Raisa SecondLife: Shopping is the best therapy for the soul and heart. I have no idea how it happened! It bought itself! Honestly!
Raisa SecondLife: There is a very fine line between pleasure and pain. Two sides of the same coin, they do not exist without each other.
Faye Nightshade: w i n g s
Faye Nightshade: Miami Beach | f l i c k e r _ o n _ y o u r _ s k i n
Richard de Grataine, blogger: Strange happenings in the library