Olga Vasilieva: Lycaste Abou First Spring 'Will'
JVinOZ: Lycaste Yoko's Sister 2024-01-08 01
JVinOZ: Ida heynderycxii 2024-01-07 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste tricolor 2024-01-07 01
JVinOZ: Ida lata 2024-01-07 02
JVinOZ: Ida costata 2024-01-08 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste bradeorum 2024-01-08 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste aromatica 2024-01-08 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste deppei 2023-12-27 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste cruenta 2023-12-11 01
JVinOZ: Ida locusta 2023-12-11 01
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: A colourful Lycaste x niesseniae in situ during an EXCEPTIONAL 14 DAYS TOUR I just guided for a 2nd group of the French Orchidology Federation. All records of observation beaten: 235 ORCHID SPECIES BLOOMING IN SITU. The biodiversity paradise is COLOMBIA
JVinOZ: Lycaste aromatica 2023-11-22 02
RonParsonsflowershots: Lycaste virginalis - Paul Leondis
JVinOZ: Ida heynderycxii 2012-11-12 03
JVinOZ: Ida peruviana 2015-03-09 01
JVinOZ: Ida peruviana 2013-12-09 01
JVinOZ: Ida ciliata 2023-10-09 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste virginalis f. alba 2023-10-09 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste guatemalensis 2023-10-09 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste lasioglossa 2023-08-14 01
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Selled as Lycaste x niesseniae, I suspect this is the same species called Lycaste macrophylla variety litensis from Ecuador. The problem is nobody seems to know where these plants grown in Colombia originally came from. Plant from my cultivation.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Selled as Lycaste x niesseniae, I suspect this is the same species called Lycaste macrophylla variety litensis from Ecuador. The problem is nobody seems to know where these plants grown in Colombia originally came from. Plant from my cultivation.
JVinOZ: Lycaste Caroline 'Melon Balls' 2023-03-15 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste Peter Sander 2023-03-15 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste x groganii 2023-02-13 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste deppei 2023-02-13 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste cruenta 2023-02-13 01
JVinOZ: Lycaste deppei 2023-01-21 02