Mikey G Ottawa: Patio's Closed B&W - Ottawa 01 13
gerhard.1962: Winter afternoon
kawa.uso: Aber bitte mit Sahne...
kawa.uso: Boarded up
kawa.uso: KWIN
kawa.uso: TEKNO
Mikey G Ottawa: "Digging Out" B&W 1/3 - Ottawa 01 13
kawa.uso: Adabei
kawa.uso: Art?
kawa.uso: Warum darf ich nicht rein?
kawa.uso: Pink Pee
Mikey G Ottawa: By Force Of Will - Ottawa 01 13
ortenau_holger: IMG_0843
ortenau_holger: IMG_0802
kawa.uso: Waiting
kawa.uso: Lost Glove
granttt73: John North
granttt73: It's In the Bowl
kawa.uso: Mothers
kawa.uso: Ducks
kawa.uso: To the Left
kawa.uso: To the Right
granttt73: Well-Toned
Mikey G Ottawa: Best Roof Ice Winner - Ottawa 01 13
granttt73: Winter Scene, Novato, California