Bright Wish Kanzashi: Lemon dressed up for Christmas (3)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Brave tiny dolls withstand the wind
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tomu the Lion Tamer (1)
Sylwia M.: Margo had a little duckling :)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Rain and Fox in England (13)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Rain and Fox in England (15)b lavender
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tomu and Ruri: summer friends.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Wren and Dee with tea! 2
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Sleeping Dee: with Tanabata Bear and Dolly
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Dee and Wren on the Star Festival: Tanabata 2
Bright Wish Kanzashi: iMda Tiny Models June 2023
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Elm, Hawthorn and Ash
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Rain and Dahlia in the leaves (6)b
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fox and Harri playing (2)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Hawthorn Raine and Dahlia in black dresses and blue.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Blooms in casual clothes (9)
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Dahlia in black and white with dolls.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Dahlia and Hawthorn flower crown
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sitymak: IMG_20200224_132836
Bright Wish Kanzashi: 鬼と豆 (節分)lucky beans
PruchanunR.: Lati Doll Emily . Princess Bonetta Limited Edition
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Wren meets Marshmallow (1)
PruchanunR.: Lati Yellow Zeze . S.Belle . Hana
Bright Wish Kanzashi: My iMda class: Harri, Hawthorn, Dhalia, Elm, Ash, and Fox.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Pumpkin Patch: Mim
Melle Nano: Forest spirit
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Dee, Wren, Indigo, and Lily
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Tiny Dolls 2022: in kimono