W9JIM: Fish On!
W9JIM: Brachiosaurus
Bobinstow2010: French Sky
listorama: Petrified dinosaur dropping... 20180410_9402
listorama: Scary cliff... 20070925_5857
W9JIM: Very Small Array
flingus: paranormal activity
listorama: A phrase that guides my purchasing... 20190406_6245
W9JIM: Giant Mojave Artichoke
listorama: No safeties!... 20170510_0010
W9JIM: Public Safety
thamiter: High tide at the Martinez marina
listorama: Gutter beautification... 20181110_3827
listorama: I'm fed up with all the accusations!... 20081027_9749
listorama: Longest lap pool in Arizona... 20161215_8120
listorama: Don't tell the authorities!... 20180901_1980
listorama: Another sinister message for an invasion party?... 20170523
W9JIM: You Tell 'er!
Oxbow_Lebach: Sombrero
Grudnick: UFO01
listorama: Saw this when I went for an eye exam... 20180123_8993
W9JIM: What Bird Did That?
listorama: This sign made me lose my faith in the government... 20100912_5874
listorama: Numerical error bordering on slander... 20100912_5842
W9JIM: Drawing Dinosaurs
gigilorenzo: #halloween
listorama: I proved my manliness... 20170410_9692
listorama: I lied about the location... 20170407_9567
listorama: New fire-fighting practice... 20160813_5836
W9JIM: Hot Tub's Broken