markbrucker: Halictus legitus
markbrucker: Pollinator, pollinating, honey bee...
markbrucker: Halictus, sweat bee.
markbrucker: Margined calligrapher on a piece of blue eyed grass.
markbrucker: Bumble Bee in the chives.
markbrucker: Bumble Bee, pollinating a marshmallow flower.
markbrucker: Number two of the bumblebee.
markbrucker: Bumble Bee on trillium.
markbrucker: Last photo of the honey bee.
markbrucker: Honey bee, beach rose.
markbrucker: Sweet iris with a honey bee.
M E For Bees (Was Margaret Edge The Bee Girl): Honey Bee On Mahonia Aquifolia
M E For Bees (Was Margaret Edge The Bee Girl): Honey Bee On Viburnum Fragrans
M E For Bees (Was Margaret Edge The Bee Girl): Sneezeweed For Afternoon Tea
Bridgeport Mike: Hummingbird vs. Bee
M E For Bees (Was Margaret Edge The Bee Girl): Honey Bee On Viburnum 'Dawn'