annkelliott: Amazon Lily / Eucharis grandiflora, Calgary Zoo, 2010
annkelliott: Bald Ibis / Geronticus calvus, Calgary Zoo, 2015
annkelliott: Baby Malti, Calgary Zoo, 2008
Diggerthedog99: Peeking out
annkelliott: Panther Chameleon / Furcifer pardalis, male, Calgary Zoo, 2018
annkelliott: Tiger Longwing / Heliconius hecale, Calgary Zoo, 2015
Diggerthedog99: Shadows become the teachers of how to find the light
Diggerthedog99: The bear necessities (Calgary Zoo)
annkelliott: Dik-dik, Calgary Zoo, 2008
annkelliott: Cougar / Puma concolor, Calgary Zoo, 2008
Diggerthedog99: Sibling Lemurs
annkelliott: Whooping Crane / Grus americana, Calgary Zoo, 2014
Diggerthedog99: Warthog (Calgary Zoo)
annkelliott: Mountain Goat / Oreamnos americanus, Calgary Zoo, 2012
annkelliott: Southern Bald Ibis / Geronticus calvus, Calgary Zoo, 2008
Diggerthedog99: This was my morning sentiment while having to shovel snow…
annkelliott: Prickly Pear cactus flowers, Calgary Zoo, 2008
annkelliott: Barred Owl / Strix varia, Calgary Zoo, 2014
Diggerthedog99: The Real Big Bird
annkelliott: De Brazza's Monkey / Cercopithecus neglectus
annkelliott: Quesnelia, Calgary Zoo, 2008
Diggerthedog99: Giant Panda
annkelliott: Hibiscus, Calgary Zoo, 2008
annkelliott: Snowy Owl / Bubo scandiacus, female, Calgary Zoo, 2009
Diggerthedog99: One of my favourite animals to watch at the zoo. The Red Pandas as always active when the temperature is cooler - they use their tail for balance when climbing. @Calgary Zoo
Diggerthedog99: Today is International Polar Bear Day
Diggerthedog99: Caturday
annkelliott: King Penguin / Aptenodytes patagonicus, Calgary Zoo, 2012
annkelliott: Pink flowers for Valentine's Day
annkelliott: Quesnelia sp., Calgary Zoo