shootitfirst: Southern Hawker (female)
shootitfirst: Male and female Common Darter making baby Common Darters....
shootitfirst: Portrait of a Southern Hawker (female)
shootitfirst: Who's going to blink first?
shootitfirst: Young fox
shootitfirst: Juvenile Moorhen
shootitfirst: Marmalade Hoverfly
shootitfirst: American Mink
shootitfirst: Puffin Portrait
shootitfirst: Emperor (Male) Dragonfly
shootitfirst: Buff-Tailed Bumble bee in action.....
shootitfirst: Red-tailed bumble bee
shootitfirst: Skomer Puffin - Dusk
shootitfirst: Skomer Island Puffins Osprey explodes from surface with Yellow Catfish
shootitfirst: Still busy............
shootitfirst: Punk hairstyle...........
shootitfirst: Just spotted one.....
paulinegalna: Can You See Us? (Mobile phone shot)
shootitfirst: Pensive..............
shootitfirst: Arggghhh...............
shootitfirst: Let me know if you spot one......
shootitfirst: I hate rain................
shootitfirst: Treecreeper with lunch.......
chrisbow54: waterrail
shootitfirst: Female Blackbird
shootitfirst: Robin chirping away in the snow........
shootitfirst: Nuthatch - how many seeds do you reckon I could get in my beak.....
shootitfirst: Nuthatch
InnAtElmwood: black-capped chickadee