paulbcalvert: Don't do it - A Poem
Steve.D.Hammond.: Mastermind.
heartabovethe45th: lo-fi memory
paulbcalvert: Donald Trump was right about everything
paulbcalvert: I'm Getting Fat - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Dishes need washing - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Springtime - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Too Much Chocolate - A Poem
paulbcalvert: At the Beach - A Poem
Steve.D.Hammond.: Thriving Humor.
paulbcalvert: My Cat - A Poem.
paulbcalvert: Political Correct Mafia - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Who ate my Chicken - A Poem.
paulbcalvert: Fashion - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Poirot - A Poem
Cormack Owle: 58. The Captain and the Engineer: Fly With Me
paulbcalvert: Resurrection - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Nailed to a cross - A Poem
St. Burke: I care not whether a man hast or hast not proclaimed his thirst. Give him another drink anyway, I say unto you, that he may seek and find The Abyss.
paulbcalvert: Mocking the Messiah - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Cock crowed - A Poem.
paulbcalvert: Pilate - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Judas - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Easter Eggs - A Poem
paulbcalvert: Easter - A Poem
paulbcalvert: The Donkey's Story - A Poem
Steve.D.Hammond.: Peddling.
paulbcalvert: My Remote - A Poem
paulbcalvert: I lost my voice - A Poem