kolibet1763: 20230714_161618
just.Luc: Girouette (XVIIe s.)
just.Luc: Église Saint-Clément de Nantes
just.Luc: Am Fruchtkasten
kolibet1763: 20230608_180236
just.Luc: Dreams Never End
just.Luc: Schaukel-Array
just.Luc: Koko
just.Luc: Elias
just.Luc: Wilses gate
kolibet1763: 20230526_154054
just.Luc: Quai de Béthune
just.Luc: Kniplinger (1600-1700)
just.Luc: Piazza Santo Spirito
kolibet1763: 20230328_151109
just.Luc: Vlucht
just.Luc: Hamburger Rathaus (1897)
just.Luc: Souvenir de voyage de l'expédition Stanley (Soudan anglais) (1902)
just.Luc: Statue de la liberté
just.Luc: "The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say."
kolibet1763: 20230211_091118
just.Luc: Straatlantaarn
just.Luc: Spartacus (1830)
just.Luc: Captif (1614-18)
just.Luc: Maison Méert (fondée en 1761)
just.Luc: Duomo di Milano
just.Luc: Libro antico
just.Luc: Passage Jouffroy (1845)
just.Luc: Stricken with Self-doubt
just.Luc: The Wave (1902-03)