Michael E Ballard: My beautiful balloon
Michael E Ballard: Party guest 4
anthony.vertenoeil: A roof of trees
StreetCrusader: SYA0690 MA
kai.jansson.photography: into the abyss
shadowshador: Spindle snail (Benimakia lanceolata) siphonal canal
Antonia book: Le noir est une couleur en soi, qui résume et consume toutes les autres.
andi .: L1000497
dmitryzhkov: 18drd1429
• Delphine •: J’ai froid
Ey De Net: Lady Sadness
retired1919: Rockin Robin by Bobby Day.. 1958
Cláudio Gentil: Marks of the past breaking through the earth
Andre T 44: Le gris encadré........pop la Vie.
Ferrer Barbany: Sinònim
Roustabout_photo: Train time again
ginescarvajalm: IMG_6705-1
ginescarvajalm: IMG_6677-1
Andre T 44: Voici le gris promis......
Andre T 44: Le Clowns in Black & White
Andre T 44: Pray for Peace.......
Andre T 44: Un jeudi gris et mouille.....( Lumière lampadaire )
Antonia book: Polka dots
Thomas_H_foto: ... like there's no tomorrow
Tomás Hornos: La Espera
sadly_beautiful: Praying for our lives