Maureen Bond: To dance is to be out of yourself, larger, more powerful, more beautiful .
shireye: Twirling construction - Fancy Twirling Friday
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 18
green-dinosaur: it's Friday!...when the old boys meet up...
Lori Michele: Fancy Twirler
shireye: Here twirls the sun - Fancy Twirling Friday
green-dinosaur: in a whirl
shireye: Twirled bench - Fancy Twirling Friday
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 16
shireye: In a nutshell - Fancy Twirling Friday
green-dinosaur: i love twirling!
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 15
shireye: Twirling trees - Fancy Twirling Friday
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 14
✿ Margie: 11 - January 11, 2013
shireye: Beach fence - Fancy Twirling Friday
green-dinosaur: i would play the sequence
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 13
shireye: Kicking girl - Fancy twirling Friday
green-dinosaur: in a spitting whorl of light
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 12 -
green-dinosaur: i hate shopping in the rain...
shireye: Twirling Ford - Fancy Twirling Friday
Joyce Latham: Fancy twirling Friday.
green-dinosaur: i could sit in the sun
shireye: Twinkle, twinkle, twirling star. Fancy twirling Friday
shireye: Twisted Tuesday No. 10. I'm so busy, this is how I feel....WASH, FOLD, DRY.
shireye: Salt & Pepper - Fancy Twirling Friday
green-dinosaur: it is so cold...
~Stacie~: Spin