luizaex: fight me~
Vi Takeda: Sasha
Vi Takeda: Chill
Vi Takeda: Daybreak
Vi Takeda: Delta
carisa franizzi: road to nowhere
Vi Takeda: Arcstrider
Vi Takeda: Jinx
Vi Takeda: Samurai
omalleyresident497: Fusion Reaction: Don't Try This At Home Kids
omalleyresident497: Ready to Face Hell
omalleyresident497: Operations in Orbit
omalleyresident497: Yes, I have a spaceship for my story
Vi Takeda: Vice
Vi Takeda: R4TS
Vi Takeda: Aiming (for you)
perfectlyflawed_88: Fresh Meat
Vi Takeda: Vi_2077
Vi Takeda: Mercenaries
Vi Takeda: Soldier
Vi Takeda: Drifter
Vi Takeda: 2FAST4U
Vi Takeda: Merkuri
Vi Takeda: Hitman
Vi Takeda: Waterfight
Joe Marques SL: #438 Survivor
Vi Takeda: FL4ME