A Lion: Imazászlók a Pangong tó partján / Prayer flags on the shore of Pangong Lake
A Lion: Pangong Lake - the great blue.
A Lion: Őszentsége a tizennegyedik Dalai Láma / HHDL The 14th Dalai Lama
A Lion: Lamayuru Monastery
A Lion: Esküvői vendég / Wedding guest - Ladakh
A Lion: With grandma - Temisgam
A Lion: MoonLand - Ladakh
A Lion: Khardung La - pass in 5626 m. high!
A Lion: Cham ünnepen Chemreyben / Cham ceremony in Chemrey
A Lion: Cham tánc - Szarvas rituáléja / Cham mask dance - ritual of deer
A Lion: Mahakala maskdance - remember Tibet!!!
A Lion: Takhtog Monastery / Takhtog Kolostor
A Lion: Thiksey with Indus River
A Lion: Near Lamayuru - Transhimalaya
Its a grainy world: Cloud and sun
Its a grainy world: Shyam valley of ladakh
Its a grainy world: Give me food
Its a grainy world: Frozen wallerfall and Beautiful mountain
Its a grainy world: Pleasant flight
Its a grainy world: I am powerful...
Its a grainy world: Living in -20 degree
Its a grainy world: Moonland of Ladakh
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!
Its a grainy world: Beautiful creations of nature!