Đøn@tus: So many Lights on in this City, yet so many still walking in the Dark ...
Đøn@tus: I LOVE SPRING. " SPRING "is the first kiss of Summer.
Đøn@tus: " HAPPY VALENTINES DAY " to all the lovers out there. If you have something good, keep it and cherish it . 💖 ( I carry your heart with me .... I carry it in my heart ).
Đøn@tus: Planet Earth : Remains of Civilization.
Đøn@tus: Love is blind ... Hard to find , difficult to get and impossible to forget .
Đøn@tus: Look me, I want to photograph your soul, I want to touch the edges of your obscure soul . Let me kiss the pieces of your being that you keep most secret , most hidden , Show me your dark side, Show me your soul, I gotta know bet that you are beautiful.
LORTEK MOFOS YCP: lent lore 25 maj 12 2 2016
Đøn@tus: Make a wish dream big ...
Ryan Lemos: Sifting through the garbage ...
Ryan Lemos: Catfight ...
Ryan Lemos: Catching some shuteye ..
Ryan Lemos: zzz...
Ryan Lemos: sleeping with the dog ..
David Glen: Only Each Other "Michael & Treacle"
David Glen: Beggars Belief
da_original_don: Benz Baby
da_original_don: Creepy shit
da_original_don: Going old school
Pekka Rautiainen: Sleeping buddies
da_original_don: 1982 corvette
da_original_don: Urban decay
da_original_don: I 'twas gonna get him some food but he was ko
DJTJ1: DSCF3829f
Angle-of-Attack: Vagabond in subway
Roymundo VII: homeless
becniv: Homeless @ Amsterdam