chrissynicolee: Melon 🍈
chrissynicolee: Marisa’s lids!
chrissynicolee: A good read...
chrissynicolee: Clarisse
pacific_rin: Happy Happy Halloween!
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
tamhippopo: DSC_0940
tamhippopo: DSC_0894
DanielVaZdj: Amélie
evang0704: 🎁🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS☃️🎀
DanielVaZdj: Amélie
DanielVaZdj: Amélie
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
DanielVaZdj: Amélie
DanielVaZdj: Amélie e Carmela
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
evang0704: 手縫娃衣
_danie11e_: I decided to print my own eyechips that give this really cool effect of the colors catching the light as if they are alive. Please excuse my girls eyes, she’s one of my first Basaak girls and I was basically at war getting those eyechips out
_danie11e_: I decided to print my own eyechips that give this really cool effect of the colors catching the light as if they are alive. Please excuse my girls eyes, she’s one of my first Basaak girls and I was basically at war getting those eyechips out
_danie11e_: Janey
_danie11e_: Janey
DanielVaZdj: Amélie