JB's shots: Helm Bar Evening Display
JB's shots: Sorrento Night's From Bristol
Guillaume7762: Sunset Berck 05 mai 2018
AllanAnovaPhotos: Uptown Parade BGC Timelapse
ricklisle: Rolling Clouds
schmitzcoesfeld: Namibia_1
robertjosi: Bahnhof_Bern_01
Norbert Cabeza Llanes: Atardecer en Riaño nevado
Guillaume7762: LRTSequence_h264-420_1080p_29.97_HQ
schmitzcoesfeld: LWL-Lampenladen
Guillaume7762: Timelapse à la tombée de la nuit
JB's shots: North Yorkshire Magic Mist Timelapse720p
Guillaume7762: Timelapse du Mont Saint Eloi
Guillaume7762: Mémorial Canadien à Vimy
Haraldur Ketill: Skógafoss timelapse
JB's shots: Salkeld Dykes Aurora
Haraldur Ketill: Skógar Timelaapse
Haraldur Ketill: Half Dome
Haraldur Ketill: Yosemite Valley TimeLapse
Haraldur Ketill: Welcome to Malawi
JB's shots: Skidaw Stars_K01BK
JB's shots: Wythop Hill_Milky_Way_K05
Max W!nter: Far del Cap de Formentor - Full Moon - Time Lapse Video
Max W!nter: Cúber Time Lapse - day to night
Max W!nter: Sa Capelleta
cj.holder: Snowdonia - The Horseshoe
Max W!nter: Far de Favàritx
Max W!nter: S'Estalella - day-night-day Time Lapse & more