In Memoriam: Wystan: Canadian souvenir blotter advertises Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, for headache and biliousness. From the Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Limited, Toronto.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Recipes, Memorial Edition dedicated to HIS CHILDREN. Published in Australia, in 1887.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase brand "Nerve Food" in pill form, still manufactured in Canada.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Nerve Food -- contains strychnine and arsenic.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Nerve Food container -- bottom.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Nerve Food container.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Catarrh Powder tin -- Edmanson Bates.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Catarrh Powder tin -- bottom
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. A. W. Chase Ointment
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Almanac 1917
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Almanac, 1950.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Almanac, 1952.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's portrait, from 1895 printing of the Memorial Edition.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Alvan Wood Chase of Ann Arbor; from the 1874 frontispiece to the Second edition of Dr. Chase's Recipes.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase, from 1866 edition of Dr. Chase's Recipes.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's portrait, from 1894 printing of the Memorial Edition.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Family Medicines, Condition Powders, etc. Dr. A. W. Chase, Son, & Co., Proprietors, Toledo, Ohio -- Four Cents Revenue Stamp.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Recipe Book -- frontispiece of the 1860 edition.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Steam Printing House, Main at Miller, Ann Arbor. 1863 copyright, from 1866 edition of Dr. Chase's Recipes.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Recipes -- German Edition,
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Receipt Book [Philadelphia edition]
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's portrait in the 1897 version of the Memorial Edition of Dr. Chase's Receipt Book.
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's -- Memorial Edition
In Memoriam: Wystan: Dr. Chase's Recipes, 1869 Edition