marcomajo: _DSC3906
J.R. Rondeau: Staircase down (B&W)
Ana Archeleiegar: "to control the breathing is to control the mind. with different patterns of breathing, you can fall in love, you can hate someone, you can feel the whole spectrum of feelings just by changing your breathing." ▪ marina abramovic
M. Villanueva Photography: *Apatía Patríotica*. Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) 2012
MTV Aviation Photography: Jet Aviation Business Jets AG | Dassault Falcon 900EX | HB-JIN
crispin52: Sunrise at Mont St. Michel
Ana Archeleiegar: 🍀 Novo post no blog:
Bradleys Aviation Photography: Republique du Mali | Boeing 737-7BC(WL) BBJ | TZ-PRM
M. Villanueva Photography: "Alive Artwork inside RijksMuseum" Amsterdam (Netherlands) 2017
MTV Aviation Photography: Royal Air Force | Panavia Tornado GR4 | ZD713
Bradleys Aviation Photography: Glamour Aviation | Airbus A319-133(CJ) | T7-MAB
M. Villanueva Photography: *Perfeccionar el comunismo / Improving comunism* Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) 2012
MTV Aviation Photography: Bluebird Cargo | Boeing 737-36E(SF) | TF-BBF
J.R. Rondeau: Where do they get all those wonderful colours!
M. Villanueva Photography: Stuck in time. London (UK) 2014
crispin52: Dragonfly resting on the pond...
Bradleys Aviation Photography: Thomson Airways | Boeing 757-236(WL) | G-OOBG
MTV Aviation Photography: Silk Way Airlines | Ilyushin Il-76TD-90SW | 4K-AZ101
foxontherun: R I T U A L
Irresponsible Imaging: Partial Eclipse of the Sun
J.R. Rondeau: Ceiling tiles
MTV Aviation Photography: CargoLogicAir | Boeing 747-83QF/SCD | G-CLAB
Bradleys Aviation Photography: Luftwaffe | Eurocopter AS-532U2 Cougar | 82+02
boxbabe86: Hermosa Pier
MTV Aviation Photography: Türk Hava Kuvvetleri | Airbus A400M Atlas | 15-0051
Bradleys Aviation Photography: Bristow Helicopters Nigeria | AgustaWestland AW139 | 5N-BTW
MTV Aviation Photography: Polish Navy | PZL-Mielec M-28B1R Bryza 1R | 1017
Ana Archeleiegar: Paranapiacaba - SP
XAEVO DELUXE: * * * B R E A T H E * I N * * *