pilvibongari: Birds of Shoreline V
Johanna California: a worm for lunch anyone? _MG_1035.jpg
Johanna California: House Sparrow _MG_1052.jpg
Johanna California: SF Bay area, fall plumage, help ID this one? _I6A0707.jpg
Johanna California: Thanks for ID comment jhelms1. _I6A0394.jpg
az3: Northern Shoveler - Spatula clypeata
Johanna California: 8379December 05, 2009
Johanna California: 2552 American coot
Johanna California: Anna's Hummingbird, Sing and Flash
az3: Brown Pelican - Pelecanus occidentalis
Johanna California: Gull trying to steal lunch from the Coot, Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, CAlifornia _7SC1455.jpg
Johanna California: Ring-billed gull, Larus delawarensis, showing red gape _MG_8136.jpg
Johanna California: American Avocets, Recurvirostra americana, and Marbled Godwits, Limosa fedoa, settling for the evening._MG_8061.jpg
Johanna California: Brown Pelicans, Pelecanus occidentalis. Charleston Slough, Mountain View, California _DSC0375.jpg
Johanna California: Angel wings on a Forster's Tern, Shoreline Lake, Mountain View, California _MG_8214.jpg
Johanna California: Burrowing Owl Female and three of the four chicks
Johanna California: Bird Photography Exhibit, Shoreline, Rengstorff House, Mountain View, California. This Thursday, 6P to 8P. And NO, this pelican didn't make the final cut, because there were some GREAT photos entered._DSC0008-Edit.jpg
Johanna California: Burrowing Owl, adult male, at the Shoreline Golf Course sandtrap, Mountain View, California. He had four live chicks in the burrow and kept an eye on things (including me, at 50+metres)._DSC0695.jpg
Johanna California: Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis) with a clam, Shoreline Lake, Mtn View, California_DSC3617.jpg
Johanna California: Bewick's Wren, sunbathing, Shoreline Park, Mtn View _DSC9145.jpg
Johanna California: Ground squirrel in a Toyon bush (is that what this bush is?or is it coffee berry), enjoying the fruit! -8487.jpg
Johanna California: Our local version of Mourning Doves at Shoreline Mountain View, California. -9043.jpg
Johanna California: Female Western Burrowing Owl and three chics on the golf course. year 2011 _DSC0737.jpg
Johanna California: Western Burrowing Owl in low flight over mown grass in hunting. Shoreline, Mountain View, CA year 2011_MG_9081.jpg
Johanna California: Western Burrowing Owl female left, chic right. _MG_8972.jpg
Johanna California: untitled-5632.jpg
Johanna California: Turkey Vulture taking off with the hawk's catch. -4839.jpg
Johanna California: Young RTH has regained the Coot from the Turkey Vulture, but is staying hidden-4862.jpg
Johanna California: Yellow-rumped Warbler _MG_0221.jpg