tuku huda: L9991188Leica Cas-2
DonaldDevon: SelfLeica
greyrusky: reflection
mompl: Me
Gaetano_Fornelli: self portrait in london
st00255: L1000072
don't think but feel: Me and My M3
cpatrickhoffman: Self-Portrait with a Leica M9
Marcus_Loves_Film: Leica Self-Portrait
Cory Donovan: Self Portrait at Luna Llena, Costa Rica
Snappyandfunphotography: Photographer Ronald.
fineday.friday: L1025321
Scotty Becker: Self Portrait
a.m.medina: listless
chuang9999: L1000267-4
Dicky Leung - Hong Kong: with my Leica M6
MpluZ: Self portrait by black paint M4 + 50cron collapsible
Gitzo73: The Self
Luis Cavaco: That's me :)
KoolBeep: Me with Leica
Ben Hinceman: self w/ bobbies
phenji: Before the Show
Massimo S. Volonte': MSV_SPwithM6
potichao: Yes, I was bored...
Harry Teasley: Self-portrait
sizzle.ascencion: Leica&Me@NYSubway
Darren and Brad: Servicio Autoretrato - Arena di Verona