Jonathan Inácio: Beauty through the window!
Mozart Souto: APA - Aldeia Beberibe
Jonathan Inácio: Pollination
Ronny.Colors: Blocos Líricos
Jonathan Inácio: Holding for life after an storm
Jonathan Inácio: Night view of Pão de açúcar!
Jonathan Inácio: Overseas way to the moon
Jonathan Inácio: Stars from the capital
Jonathan Inácio: Smooth blue
Jonathan Inácio: Wonderful fishing
Jonathan Inácio: Sunrise Fishing (Explored)
Jonathan Inácio: Aircraft crossing light
Fellipe Figueiroa: Eclipse Solar 2023
Jonathan Inácio: Lake sunset
alvarojguimaraes: Eclipse Solar - 14/10/2022
alvarojguimaraes: Eclipse Solar - 14/10/2022
Jonathan Inácio: Red eclipse sunset
Jonathan Inácio: Eclipse sunset (Explored)
Jonathan Inácio: Shooting the eclipse
alvarojguimaraes: Airbus Helicopters - PS-SDS GTA-PE
alvarojguimaraes: Helibrás - PT-YDS - GTA-PE
Mozart Souto: A Caatinga