A z d r u b a l: Au Népal.
sdobie: 01000 Rodney
sdobie: 2006 12 31 - Lot from Street Corner
sdobie: Horror - The Best of the Year - 2006 Edition (2006 TPB)
http://instagram.com/j_ravell: Samurai Kitchen concert poster
http://instagram.com/j_ravell: Gamla stan, Stockholm
http://instagram.com/j_ravell: Some bar in Stockholm
sdobie: 2006 06 18 - Lot from Street Corner
sdobie: Hamilton, Peter F. - Judas Unchained (2006 BCE HB)
sdobie: 07300 Diana Sleeping
sdobie: 00800 Friends
sdobie: Banks, Iain M. - The Algebraist (2006 TPB)
sdobie: 08000 Praia do Forno 3
sdobie: 08700 Eating Oysters 3
sdobie: Best Short Novels 2006 (2006 BCE HB)
sdobie: Novik, Naomi - Throne of Jade (2006 PB)
sdobie: 00900 Lilian and Steve
http://instagram.com/j_ravell: Down in Stockholm on 6/6/06.
http://instagram.com/j_ravell: Robot at Tekniska Museet, Stockholm
sdobie: 01300 Lilian on Ipanema Beach
sdobie: Powers, Tim - A Soul in a Bottle (2006 HB)
sdobie: 01200 Steve on Ipanema Beach
sdobie: 01100 Rodney and Diana
sdobie: Turtledove, Harry - Settling Accounts - The Grapple (2006 BCE HB)
sdobie: Novik, Naomi - Black Powder War (2006 PB)