harrypwt: lovely
Jaihutan: 240318-9
harrypwt: loose clamp ..
harrypwt: colorful
harrypwt: stasiun tugu side street
harrypwt: broken hand greeting statue
harrypwt: st sign
harrypwt: morning rush
harrypwt: sign ...
harrypwt: back river
harrypwt: horse cart pool
harrypwt: street of jogja
harrypwt: gedung negara jogja
harrypwt: gate to backyard
harrypwt: vista point
harrypwt: green park
harrypwt: cool pool ...
harrypwt: place to do ablution before pray in Islam
harrypwt: fern ...
Jaihutan: 240420-15
harrypwt: between two trees
harrypwt: window ...
harrypwt: kenikiran
harrypwt: white wijaya kusuma flower
harrypwt: dewandaru leaves
harrypwt: sakura ...?
harrypwt: wooden thing
harrypwt: one among pewaras or lesser temples
harrypwt: backyard pool