critter superhero: Machoke + Donkey Kong = MACHOKONG!
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: "Team ULTRA-Violet"!
critter superhero: Texas Furry Fiesta 2024: "Red XIII" & "Ultra Green Lantern"!
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: Ultra Green Lantern (V.1)
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: Ultra Green Lantern (V.2)
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: "Damarr, the Kongdroid!"
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: Carnival Carnage Main Event-- "Sas-Squash" vs. "Snowboulder"!
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: Big beefy Bigfoot
critter superhero: Superhero Gorillas: Humongo and "A Kiss for Luck"
critter superhero: Further Confusion 2024: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla meets the Wild(colored) Lions!
critter superhero: "Beefy Kong", Donkey Kong's savior!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla visits "Enchant!"
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla visits "Enchant!"
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla visits "Enchant!"
critter superhero: "Gormitch, the Time-Racer"!
critter superhero: Fantasy Supergorilla Gallery #15: "Gemstone"
critter superhero: Fantasy Supergorilla Gallery #16: "Magnifi-Gor"
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla's first trip to London!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla's first trip to London!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla's first trip to London!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla's first trip to London!
critter superhero: Ultra Green Lantern protects a friendly bat at Further Confusion 2023!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor: "Encore Performance"
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla powers up with Robocop!
critter superhero: Harley Quinn attacks Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla models the Ruby Rose, Rooster Teeth Mustang!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla joins up with Costumers for Christ!
critter superhero: Ultra-Gor the Supergorilla saves Captain America from Harvey Two-Face!
critter superhero: Silicon Valley Comicon 2022: Ultra Green Lantern "outgrew" the BTTF Time Machine!
critter superhero: Silicon Valley Comicon 2022: Ultra Green Lantern teams with Ant Man & The Wasp!