Felix Stabreit: Peregrine - Columbus, Ohio
@harryshuldman: from the 10th floor of NYU Bobst library - red-tailed hawk on a rooftop overlooking Washington Square Park
@harryshuldman: from the 10th floor of NYU Bobst library - red-tailed hawk on a rooftop overlooking Washington Square Park
@harryshuldman: red-tailed hawk on a rooftop overlooking Morningside Park
Saidhbhin.Aisling: Bobby on nest 3.22.2013
@harryshuldman: Red-tailed hawk flying away with squirrel in Washington Square Park
@harryshuldman: Red-tailed hawk leaving with its prey in Washington Square Park
@harryshuldman: Red-tailed hawk in Washington Square Park
@harryshuldman: Red-tailed hawk in Washington Square Park
@harryshuldman: Red-tailed hawks in Washington Square Park
GhentArt: Rosie Flies Off-06-06 at 1.30.27 PM
GhentArt: Rosie at Nest Again-06-05 at 5.11.48 PM
GhentArt: Rosie at Nest again-06-06 at 1.23.30 PM
GhentArt: Scout, Rosie & Stick -06-04 at 1.37.17 PM
GhentArt: Rosie on Nest-06-05 at 6.46.02 AM
GhentArt: Scout Inverts Head to Mom-v3-06-04 at 1.37.37 PM
GhentArt: Scout on Nest -06-04 at 10.48.12 AM
GhentArt: Scout Mantling Food -06-04 at 10.43.33 AM
GhentArt: Boo on Nest-06-04 at 6.08.45 PM
GhentArt: Boo on Nest-06-04 at 6.33.25 PM
GhentArt: Scout Flies off 2-06-04 at 1.38.09 PM
GhentArt: Scout Flies off-06-04 at 1.38.08 PM
GhentArt: Rosie Flies off -06-04 at 1.38.06 PM
GhentArt: Scout inverts head to mom 2-06-04 at 1.37.55 PM
cbfandango: Rosie and Bobby Hawks. week 0f 4-18 12 036
cbfandango: Rosie and Bobby Hawks. week 0f 4-18 12 095
cbfandango: Rosie and Bobby Hawks. week 0f 4-18 12 087
cbfandango: Rosie and Bobby Hawks. week 0f 4-18 12 115
cbfandango: Birds of a feather.
cbfandango: Bird web pics 168