c2h5oh_pk: Optical and magneto-optical re(writable) discs in caddies
DDM Creative: Lear Siegler ADM-3A-IMG 1510
Jean-Paul Margnac: Vintage Ektachrome. May 1987. California. IT History. VPL DataGlove.
c2h5oh_pk: David and Goliath
SoulRider.222 / Eric Rider: Microsoft Internet Explorer 2008
c2h5oh_pk: Nintendo Mario
c2h5oh_pk: Small Floppy Disks
c2h5oh_pk: Removable Hard Disks
alainGB: Triumph tiger 900 GT sur une piste en France.
blakespot: Jack Haeger's "Four-Byte Burger" on Amiga 1000
DDM Creative: IBM Click-Clack
P_R_F: Template
eduard43: 20230308_194211 Kopie
eduard43: 20230308_194125 Kopie
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
splorp: Prototype Apple Interactive Television Box
eduard43: TI-30-LCD
eduard43: 20230305_210656
eduard43: 20230305_210628
eduard43: 20230305_210447
eduard43: 20230305_210341
eduard43: 20230305_205704
eduard43: PC_2008_02_05012013
eduard43: 20230305_212842