Highranger: DSC_4728
Highranger: DSC_4580
Highranger: DSC_4339
Highranger: DSC_4357
Highranger: Montage office
Highranger: AB the last day we used the D-Vision offline system
Highranger: Tabletop Hi-Speed shoot
Highranger: Tabletop Hi-Speed shoot
Highranger: Tabletop Hi-Speed shoot
Highranger: Tabletop Hi-Speed shoot
Highranger: Tabletop Hi-Speed shoot
Highranger: Montage Productions Pty Ltd
Highranger: Kirsty 2005
Highranger: Autodesk Flame running on the old Octane
Highranger: AB using Editbox at Albany St office 1999
Highranger: Autodesk 'Flame' suite client couch
Highranger: Facilities WS 2004
Highranger: Montage Productions machine room 2006
Highranger: Shooting a commercial for Macadamias