sarahtarno: Litchfield Cathedral
sarahtarno: Bay of Naples
stadtwanderer/randonneur_urbain: fürstliches geschoss (berner ritterturnier 2008)
stadtwanderer/randonneur_urbain: publikum wie bei einer sportveranstaltung (berner ritterturnier 2008)
stadtwanderer/randonneur_urbain: fanfare (berner ritterturnier 2008)
stadtwanderer/randonneur_urbain: schwertkampf zu fuss (berner ritterturnier 2008)
stadtwanderer/randonneur_urbain: der gastgeber (berner ritterturnier 2008)
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Lion Passant
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Nativity of the Virgin
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - St. Michael
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Pietá
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Scenes from the Life of St. Augustine
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Pietá
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - The Lamentation
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park - Enthroned Virgin and Child
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park - The Cloisters - Tomb Effigy of Jean d'Alluye
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park: The Cloisters - Virgin and Child on a Crescent Moon
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park - The Cloisters - Aquamanile in the form of a Cock
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park - The Cloisters - The Death (Dormition) of the Virgin
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park - The Cloisters - Seated Bishop
wallyg: NYC - Fort Tryon Park - The Cloisters - Doorway from Moutiers-Saint-Jean