canong2fan: Lines & shadows
GeoClio: Shadows of LA: Roads, Cars & Palms
Traud: P1250045 Mond Kran Nacht
Traud: P1250066 Kran
GeoClio: Electrical Generation and Transmission
GeoClio: Snowdusted Cropland, East of Denver, Colorado
Traud: P1050452 Brückengeländer 1903 / Jugendstil
GeoClio: Rooftop Fence, Álamos, Sonora, México
GeoClio: Yellow Transmission Towers with Gracefully Draping Lines
Traud: IMG_0480 Schatten /Shadow
GeoClio: The Right Angles
GeoClio: Lightening Arrestors and Finger Rock
GeoClio: Basílica de la Sagrada Família, Barcelona, Spain
amalia_mar: Η γέφυρα Ρίου – Αντιρρίου «Χαρίλαος Τρικούπης»(Explored) P1120524
v923z: Tangent
GeoClio: Online Political Campaign, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India
Richard D. Price: Into the Shadows
Richard D. Price: Portrait in landscape with straight and curvy lines
Richard D. Price: Curved and Straight Spaces
Richard D. Price: Memorizing the Lines
Richard D. Price: Zeroing In
Richard D. Price: Let Me Get This Straight
amalia_mar: P1110658
mhossain_z: Lines
amalia_mar: Blue Friday!! IMG_20210425_114219
amalia_mar: I see you!!
canong2fan: Curves, Lines and Shadows