MurderWithMirrors: Frankie Stein Haunt Couture
*anime_fan*: By the Power the Moon and the Stars
Mar-i-sel: 20211119_083440aaaa
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Monster High in cat kimono.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Monster HIgh in Cotton Kimono.
*anime_fan*: Otherworldly
snowwhitequeen: Why be a wallflower when you can be a venus fly trap?
snowwhitequeen: Purge the poison
snowwhitequeen: Music Festival Venus
GothGeekBasterd: Leaving Mean 20
*anime_fan*: Crayola Challenge @ DollyDaily - Indigo
GothGeekBasterd: We are Entranced
Annette29aag: Styled by Clawdeen Wolf
*anime_fan*: Skeleton CAM
shynelisa: My repaint (DonnaAnne) dressed in Kat Kouture!!
shynelisa: My repaint (DonnaAnne) dressed in Kat Kouture!!
GothGeekBasterd: Born to be Alive
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fashion Dolls Love
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fashion dolls in kimono.
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fashion dolls and BJD in kimono.
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles: Clawdeen Wolf - Frights, Camera, Action
Farrah's Dolls and Collectibles: Clawdeen Wolf - Frights, Camera, Action
Bright Wish Kanzashi: Fashion doll comparison (1)