Athllandor: 4/52 - Sunset
Athllandor: 3/52 - Forest for the Trees
Silentio Lucis: 7/365 "Nabij zijt gij, o Heer, en al uw wegen zijn waarheid” ( Ps. 118, 151 ; introitus)
Athllandor: 2/52 - Never Forgotten
Athllandor: 1/52 - Cold Isolation
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Beautiful Clouds
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Peacefull Night
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Burning Beauty
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Red Sky's At Night
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Stop Moon Crossing
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Lone Palm Sunrise
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Goodmorning Sunshine
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Good Evening Arizona
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Bougainvillea Slender
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Salt Cedar Glow
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
Scott Douglas Worldwide: See Ya Tomorrow!!
Scott Douglas Worldwide: Lilly of the pond