eweliyi: statue yourself
eweliyi: trio spectacular
eweliyi: warped and bokehy
eweliyi: dots, dots, dots, me, dots, dots....
eweliyi: Stockholm we are in you!
eweliyi: Time flies by
eweliyi: If you have crazy friends you have everything
eweliyi: Good friends don't let you do stupid things... alone
eweliyi: M-C and me
just call me Mr Lucky: the view from the porch...
just call me Mr Lucky: well bless my soul, guess who *I* ran into....
eweliyi: true friends appreciate how weird you actually are
Zee Anna!: My Czech Queen
Flickr_Rick: Silhouette
Flickr_Rick: High Five
eweliyi: Please hold the line, your call is important to us
Flickr_Rick: The amazing flying Eva
eweliyi: Eliza and me
eweliyi: We are not parking
Flickr_Rick: Blue sky above and clouds below - Explore-
~ cynthiak ~: You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
Jackan!: Mom's Diner
Flickr_Rick: Framed
Flickr_Rick: A "behind" the scene of a master
Jackan!: Donna and Jack walk around and eat, with Eva.
Jackan!: Freda's Bistro, with Donna and Eva.
Flickr_Rick: Hang time
eweliyi: Matching bottoms
eweliyi: Hard life of a photographer