listorama: Tracks... 20080510_8808
listorama: Mysterious pile of dirt on the mud flat... 20070914_0527
listorama: What animal made this track?... 20120505_8424
listorama: What animal made this track?... 20120505_8422
listorama: It tears flesh with a vengeance... 20110605_0588
Eric Hunt.: Chlorophyllum brunneum
midendian: 20060629115500landersca giantrock rsx
pebblewatcher: Erika by the mushrooms, for scale
listorama: 20040629_9927...Spiral Jetty?
listorama: Exfoliation... 20090518_2327
listorama: Ant hill... 20070920_3513
listorama: Desert pavement?... 20090518_2281
listorama: Mound... 20090518_2273
listorama: Evidence of a life... 20081029_0807
listorama: Others preceded me... 20061013_1865
listorama: Drainage on the mud flat... 20090518_2158
listorama: Watercourse on the mud flat... 20090518_2117
listorama: Erosion... 20081025_8624
listorama: Suddenly I had a sinking feeling
listorama: The giant's foot... 20081007_8314
listorama: 20070914_9945...Step on a crack, break your mother's back
listorama: 20070914_9964...Desert pavement
listorama: Gear, just before I descended to the river... 20060417_3267
listorama: Spots... 20060417_3262
midendian: IMG_2678 Station Fire from KLAX/El Segundo, California.
listorama: Lizard tracks?... 20070317_2226
yakfur: mushroom, for scale
yakfur: mushroom, for scale
yakfur: overlook rappel
listorama: Wall of wash... 20081018_3165