cristinspriggs: Joy Dare~gifts in the kitchen
cristinspriggs: Joy DAre~ gifts in the kitchen
*tracie west*: hope and a gift that might have never been
wendeebird: 'Shrooms.
wendeebird: It's all you need.
cristinspriggs: Restoration
~nut*meg~: frills
*tracie west*: twirl, joy dare, and rain dance, mortal muses "water"
~nut*meg~: pollination fascination
~nut*meg~: deLIGHTed
~nut*meg~: Hard Seasons
cristinspriggs: Let love lead you!
*tracie west*: spin - joy dare No. 27 1 of 3
wendeebird: 2:30 pm.
*tracie west*: February Joy Dare 22a One Grace Wrinkled - my heart
cristinspriggs: Heart beats
wendeebird: I think he's cold.
cristinspriggs: last night was date night
cristinspriggs: Happy Birthday AR!
*tracie west*: joy dare no. 20
~nut*meg~: Light Dancing on Strawberries
cristinspriggs: Beauties on my table
cristinspriggs: Celebrating Life
*tracie west*: Being Home, book of meditations & joy dare #5a
wendeebird: Joy Dare Day 21 ~ Something in the sky.
~nut*meg~: intuition
[o] suze q: he wouldn't let me ...
~nut*meg~: bed head
*tracie west*: joy dare number 9a