fleurdefibre: Pic. #6 ... “Symbol” « Symbole » Finished view of completed piece.
fleurdefibre: 2020 Eye balls, wet felt, #1
veephilion: Darla found the big book of Gnomes..
veephilion: "Are gnomes for real"?? .....
veephilion: Oh, noooo .... not already!
francavaleriaoliveri: orange handbag
francavaleriaoliveri: orange handbag
fleurdefibre: “Dans la nuit des temps » “In the shadow of time”
fleurdefibre: « Nature d’Intérieur » “ Nature for Interiors” 33cm by 43cm.
veephilion: "Me painted a rock too"....
francavaleriaoliveri: denim quilt pouch
francavaleriaoliveri: denim quilt pouch
francavaleriaoliveri: denim quilt pouch
francavaleriaoliveri: felt sheep pouch
francavaleriaoliveri: felt sheep pouch
veephilion: "What's the problem" !!
veephilion: Scruffy and his 2/3 of an origami hat
veephilion: Pipteau and Magellan
veephilion: "Me keep it"....
fleurdefibre: Covid 19 - Interpretations *A & *B.
veephilion: here she is all finished....
veephilion: a tiny bear
fleurdefibre: Project in quarantine times... Projet en temps de quarantaine...
veephilion: Wanna bite of cookie?
veephilion: Hair brained idea ...
fleurdefibre: Flower garden series, September flower.Wet felted, Nuno. 30.5cm by 28cm. (12”inches by 11”inches)
fleurdefibre: Flower garden series, August flower.After wet felting. 29.2cm (11.5”inches)
fleurdefibre: “Flower on ball with blue flowers “
fleurdefibre: It’s Complicated “.
fleurdefibre: “It’s Complicated” felt ball.