Howard Somerville: Dedham, Essex
Howard Somerville: Willy Lott's Cottage, Flatford Mill
edwights1: The Dutch Spring Landscape... Trying to recreate Hobbema or Constable?
davidcutts1: A Haywain
Howard Somerville: Burnham Beeches by Constable
Howard Somerville: Burnham Beeches
Howard Somerville: Eltermere in Autumn
Howard Somerville: Newfield Hall, Malhamdale.
Howard Somerville: Canal Lock.
Howard Somerville: Little Langdale.
Howard Somerville: Cottage Green, Essex.
Howard Somerville: The Thames at Abingdon.
Howard Somerville: Canal Lock and Boatman.
fizzyvimto: The Haywain
Simón73 melancólico: El andaluz errante. The wandering andaluz
SteveFizz: Walking the dog
SteveFizz: Bradgate House
james perkins.: Willy Lott's House
Chris Kench: Riverbend
Milton Sonn: Constable, John (1776-1837) - 1802 Dedham Vale (Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
SteveFizz: The Cropston Boat House
SteveFizz: Bradgate Park Oil Painting