MomOfJasAndTam: The warmth of Fall
Andy Ziegler: Frosty maple leaf
AurelioZen: Ton-sur-ton (Rotterdamse Munt)
thomas.schultze: P7184491 Vine Maple
❀Jo Zimny Photos❀: The Fallen
Andy Ziegler: Maple leaves in Wisconsin
Andy Ziegler: Autumn in Wisconsin
MomOfJasAndTam: Bokeh Bubbles
Andy Ziegler: Maple leaf
LukeCE: Milwaukee River Trail
Andy Ziegler: Fall colors in Wisconsin
max69sartori: Acero del Giappone
MomOfJasAndTam: Lying around on a lovely Autumn day
Ingojanek: The Secret light of Acer
pavel.haiduk: New life
pavel.haiduk: Maple leaf and stones
pavel.haiduk: Maple tree
pavel.haiduk: Maple leafs
pavel.haiduk: DSCF5449
pavel.haiduk: Maple leafs
Stanley Zimny (Thank You for 71 Million views): Red Leaves on Nature's Mirror
❀Jo Zimny Photos❀: Swallowtail Butterfly-HSS