mesquakie8: Isn't there a joke that goes, "Why did the turkey cross the road"?
-sina-: crossing
Al Fed: Bird in Rain
Nature as Art Photography: Black Headed Gull
beyondhue: Why did the wood duck cross the road?
cmsheehyjr: IMG_2360 Sandhill Cranes
Matthew Paul Argall: Bird on road
dtobias: IMGP6269
Debitha: Why Did the Stork Cross the Road?
Conyers: Neighbors from the North...
jart: geese in the grain
afagen: Why did the stork cross the road?
Angsty Rossini: Why did the swan cross the road?
leehunterphotos: 4914 Straw-necked Ibis
Missile Mike: Why did the pigeon cross the road?
Red Trike Imagery: Why Did the Turkey Vulture Cross the Road? Only Its Mom Could Love It.
Shebta: Swan Geese Cossing The Road
scottief148: Road Safety
meerar: why did the peafowl cross the road?
fefa74: Why did the Peacock cross the road?
w_tanager: Why did the chicken cross the road?
mandydax: Goose Crossing
Seoirse: Busy Road on Cumbrae
MariukasM: Goose
Jim_AC: American Coot walking on road at Forsythe NWR
Ezra S F: Geese
carrollUSA: geese on road in rain
Tony Frates: Geese crossing