Larry He's So Fine: Summer Is Giving Way To Autumn
Larry He's So Fine: Elbow Falls on today's bike ride
Larry He's So Fine: Elbow Falls
Larry He's So Fine: Elbow Falls up close
goofcitygoof: Falling Monuments Can Kill
Larry He's So Fine: Doing the Hokey Pokey while waiting for the hangman
Larry He's So Fine: Happy New Year
Larry He's So Fine: The Trees Have Lost Their Colour
Larry He's So Fine: Seen on today's colourful bike ride
Larry He's So Fine: More Danger Lurking On My Bike Ride
aymanshamma: Falling at the Ritz Hazard.
Larry He's So Fine: Last Roses Of Summer Are Sure Putting On A Nice Show
Larry He's So Fine: A Good Workout Raking Leaves Today
Larry He's So Fine: Ooooooops
Larry He's So Fine: How to go down in one easy lesson!
Larry He's So Fine: Danger Danger Danger
biphop: Stick figure in peril [Lyon, France]
Larry He's So Fine: Concrete Sea
M7CCF STYLE! 2014: Help me !!
Larry He's So Fine: Down Calgary Transit Way
Woab: Snowmen in Limbo
Larry He's So Fine: Oh No, For the fourth weekend in a row it's forecast for snow
Woab: Myrtle and Maple
Larry He's So Fine: Autumn Workout