richardpiel: Capitol 10am
richardpiel: 14th and Buchanan
richardpiel: April Showers
richardpiel: April Showers
richardpiel: April Showers
richardpiel: Capitol Hill, scotus line, Nighttime and dawn
richardpiel: Capitol Hill, scotus line, Nighttime and dawn
afagen: Capitol sky
Point_and_Shooter: Renwick Gallery, Washington, DC
LaTur: RFID Protection
Point_and_Shooter: Main Reading Room
emma-k-alexandra: Criss Cross
GordonCV: Netherlands Carillon
GordonCV: National City Christian Church
emma-k-alexandra: Baco, soon
Jeanette.Cook: Favorite places in Washington, DC.
fotographis: Summer Morning Ritual
richardpiel: National Bldg Museum
richardpiel: Capitol from scotus line
richardpiel: 333 Constitution. Trump immunity appeal
richardpiel: Dawn. National Mall
richardpiel: Nebraska and New Mexico avenue. National UMC. Lessons and Carols rehearsal
richardpiel: Tenlytown Metro