weinermobile: Blondie
weinermobile: Every breath you take, every move you make...
weinermobile: When mom turns her back, I table-hop for crumbs.
weinermobile: Peanut Butter
weinermobile: Augie & Blondie
weinermobile: The only cowboy I ever loved, Rusty. 2012
weinermobile: Peanut
weinermobile: Three's company
weinermobile: P Nutty
HGHjim: Clown Reed Frog - Afrixalus paradorasalis
HGHjim: Gargoyle Gecko - Rhacodactylus auriculatus
HGHjim: "Formosa" Monocled Cobra - Naja kaouthia
HGHjim: West African Gaboon Viper - Bitis gabonica rhinoceros
HGHjim: Dajarra Death Adder - Acanthophis antarcticus
weinermobile: The gangs all here!
weinermobile: Blondie
weinermobile: Blondie
weinermobile: Blondie
weinermobile: Blondie