peter.brabham: Self Portrait Dolaucothi Goldmine
GRIFOLL Art & Folish Games: self portrait grifoll
wizmo: #glasses,#tinto
wizmo: The root of my headache. Or the rutabaga of ....
wizmo: unplugged
wizmo: more than half way
Flexart: the echoing welf of a photographer
Flexart: chess!!
Flexart: the many faces of ... flex
Flexart: is it something I said....?
tikva18: Almost there
tikva18: Who am I
King Woodrose: Man, a machine
FlyingLotus1983: Self Portrait
alvaro tapia hidalgo: self-portrait
tiredguy: Head Shot!
Gregory J.: Self Portrait
Tom Leventhal: self portrait
wizmo: rare sighting
wizmo: me 'n my fedora
wizmo: pagliacci, vesti la giubba
antbluejr: Self portrait
John Suler's PhotoPsychology: Ongoing Self-Portraits
Lolo_: Self portraits
Shayne Kaye: Squatting
pbuckland05: My Ugly Mug
tikva18: Day 21: Self-Portrait
rougerouge: home sweet home
Naccarato: Conflict
Naccarato: facing It !!!!!