Jorge Franganillo: Spotlights
johann walter bantz: Happy Christmas IV (or requiem for the COP 21)
Marked_man: a stranger's touch
Marked_man: imaginary lover
johann walter bantz: graphic vase with natural background
johann walter bantz: le cycliste
johann walter bantz: Meeresöffnung
sadly_beautiful: How the sun falls asleep
fabioomero: BOURGEOIS
Marked_man: mad scientist - you won't like her when she's mad
Marked_man: muwaaahhahahahaha
sadly_beautiful: Write your story in the sun
sadly_beautiful: Remain teachable!
New Talent Modelling: Leather Head #3
fabioomero: DALÌ
fabioomero: JOHNS
fabioomero: KOSUTH
fabioomero: GÉRICAULT
fabioomero: ARCIMBOLDO
fabioomero: WARHOL
fabioomero: KLIMT
johann walter bantz: Das Standbein
fabioomero: EMIN
johann walter bantz: Le sentier (Loire Atlantique)